We’re delighted to share some great news about the field at the SRA. For the past three years, the SRA have had to submit a report on the standard of the playing fields to ensure the conditions of the Ground Maintenance Grant that has been awarded are being met. This year we’re delighted to share that our rating has changed to Good – this shows an increase in two ratings since our last report [You can find the report here.].
A huge amount of work was carried out on the pitches in Spring this year and that plus the (sadly for most) wet summer has played into our hands. The other activity that has helped has been regular grass cutting of the field. Thank you to all those over the last year that helped with this task. But guess what? We need more volunteers please!
Michael Broomhall, the nominated groundsman at the SRA, has done a sterling job over the last few years ably supported by a handful of people. As the activities at the SRA continue to grow and we look to ensure the field is protected and the grounds looked after as much as possible there are other tasks that also need attention. We must keep up the good work that we’ve got in place to continue to better the state of the pitches and field as a whole. There are intentions to improve the machinery / equipment through grants and funding which will again take us to another level for all to enjoy.
If you think the odd hour here and there is not enough, you’re wrong. If you can’t commit to doing something every week / month, don’t worry.
Honestly, any help we can get is much appreciated.
Remember, if your village is worth living in; it’s worth contributing to.
Silverstone Recreational Association
Church Street, Silverstone, Towcester NN12 8XA
• Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 6:00 pm